The health benefits of Magnesium
Magnesium has long been praised for its
healing properties. Use it as a natural pain-killer and
find it to be far more effective than any store-bought drug.
There are several ways in which Magnesium can benefit you. By simply
taking one capsule a day you’ll find yourself sleeping better, feeling
more hydrated, and more relaxed.
Many people believe they can get more than enough of this mineral
from their food, without the need for supplements, but remember that
even soil can be depleted of vital minerals such as Magnesium. Even if
your food did provide you with enough of this mineral, it can escape
your body if you consume substances such as alcohol, coffee or black tea
to name but a few.
There are several reasons you should increase your Magnesium intake. Here are just a few of those reasons.
Better sleep: Magnesium relaxes the body, the
muscles and nervous system while also regulating the hormone, melatonin,
which is essential for sleep. It also balances and controls the stress
hormones that can lead to insomnia. Before sleeping is the best time to
take Magnesium.
Hydration: Magnesium, along with minerals such as
Calcium, Potassium and Sodium is an electrolyte, which is essential for
proper hydration of the body.
Relaxation: It calms and relaxes the body by promoting the production of Serotonin, the happy hormone which will boost your mood.
Pain-relief: It relaxes the muscles, relieving
cramps and other pains, and loosening tight muscles. A Magnesium
deficiency can result in the build-up of lactic acid, which causes pain
and tightness, as opposed to the greater flexibility achieved with a
healthy Magnesium intake. Furthermore, Magnesium is an excellent way to
relieve the stomach cramps and headaches that come with period pain.
Muscle-building: Magnesium allows the body to
produce more of the Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1), which
contributes to the growth and strength of the muscles. The cell’s energy
store, Adenosine Tri-Phosphate (ATP) is also created using Magnesium.
There are several other benefits to Magnesium. It helps to strengthen
bones and teeth; it alkalises the body and balances pH; it relieves
constipation and can even prevent strokes and heart disease. The
benefits of this one mineral are endless. Just one Magnesium tablet a
day can provide all of the above benefits and more. I better start
taking mine a bit more often.
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