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5 Things Mom Never Told You About SUGAR

1. Eating or drinking sugary foods or drinks will only cause you to crave more sugar.

It’s true. It definitely is addicting. I am sure many of you reading this, see that you are addicted. Please note though that even having “sugar-free” drinks or sweets will keep you on that sugar craving path. In my own case, I found that once I stopped eating/drinking sweets, I stopped wanting them. In fact, when I do have something with processed sugar in it, I get a tummy ache because it’s just too dang sweet! Try it for 3 weeks and you’ll see. You’ll find fruit to be the perfect sweetness and that Snickers bar will make you sick!

2. Sugar can cause fatigue and laziness.

Once you cut it out of your diet you’ll notice a difference. We think, oh I need this energy drink or this coffee to “wake me up!”. When in fact it’s usually filled with sugar and this can bring you right back down in no time (AKA sugar crash), so you keep drinking more thinking it will help. It’s all a big circle of nonsense. Stop doing this! Once you stop, you will have more energy because your body isn’t fighting ups and downs with it’s blood sugar. It now can focus on giving YOU energy on it’s own. No more need for sugary energy drinks and coffee. Just natural healthy energy levels. (NOTE: Plain black coffee can have health benefits on it’s own; I am only speaking of coffee with added processed creamers, sugars or other sweeteners).

3. Sugar can make you fat.

You may not realize this, but processed carbs like white breads, pastas, crackers, etc turns into glucose (sugars) in our bodies. Many, many people have cravings to these types of carbs and it’s got a little something to do with sugar addiction. These kinds of foods are higher in calories, fats, and carbs which can lead to weight gain. Cut these out, and you will probably notice a good drop in the scale number. Plus you’ll be cutting out those unnecessary blood sugar spikes and will feel healthier.

4. Sugar can clog you up!

Yes, I am talking about bowel movements or pooping problems. (Sorry!) But it’s the truth, processed sugar can mess up your digestive system. The types of food that can clog you up can be those processed carbs I mentioned above. By reducing your sugars/carbs intake and eating more fiber rich foods (fruits and veggies) you’re allowing your bowels to process the foods you ate the right way. You’ll notice a lighter feeling too! It will be amazing, I promise.

5. Sugar causes skin problems.

Acne sucks! Especially getting it as an adult! You’d think a 30-something wouldn’t get acne, right? But, the old saying “you are what you eat” rings true. Eat unhealthy and you will be unhealthy – this includes your skin. Cut the sugars out and you’ll notice a world of a difference in your skins health.


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