How to use apple vinegar to get rid of uterine fibroids

Fibroid is a tumor composed of mixed tissue that overgrows inside the uterus. It can develop either in the cavity of the uterus, either in the uterine wall or outside of the uterus and give some symptoms. In general, fibroids are more common in uterine cavity and bleeding is the first symptom in diagnosing this disease.
Apple vinegar can reduce the symptoms of fibroids because help in elimination of toxin from the body and it burns fat.
Add a teaspoon of apple vinegar in a glass of water. You can add a tablespoon of honey or a natural sweetener (maple syrup) to improve the taste. Drink this daily. Increase the dose of one teaspoon of vinegar , progressive. Repeat it for 2 months and your mood will improve dramatically.

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