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If You Eat Garlic & Honey On Empty Stomach for 7 Days This is What Happens To Your Body

Garlic is a magical herb. In fact, it is nature’s greatest antibiotic! 

         Garlic is probably the most wonderful plant from the Allium family. The same family to which onions belong. It grows popularly in many parts of the world and diversely used as an ingredient in cooking due to its strong smell, delicious taste, and spicy flavor. It not only gives good taste to the food but also is one of the most powerful antibiotic. It can heal many ailments and popularly known for its antibiotic, antioxidant, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Without a doubt, it’s a boon to humankind.

  •  Garlic Nutritional Facts

Garlic cloves have amazingly high levels of vitamins and minerals. Just 100 g provides (in % of recommended daily allowance):

95% of vitamin B-6
38% of vitamin C
13% of iron
18% of calcium
80% of manganese
22% Phosphorus
Consuming it raw have myriads of health benefits and it works as a powerful medicine– There are many uses of garlic in Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicines.

         It is scientifically proven that it decreases cholesterol and high blood pressure. Daily consumption of garlic also prevents heart attack and coronary heart disease. It’s true!
If you have problems like flu, bug bites, cold, fungal infections, traveler’s diarrhea you should definitely consider trying garlic.
It can improve your immunity and the body’s ability to remove toxins. Garlic combined with ginger and onion can detoxify your body from chemotherapy.
How to use garlic?

          The best way to consume garlic is raw, because allicin, its active ingredient is decentralized by heat. Before consuming it crush and slice the clove, and leave it for 15 minutes. When you crush, it activates a reaction that makes allicin more bio-available. Be aware of the fact that it works best when eaten on an empty stomach.

  • Raw Garlic and Honey and how to consume it

Chop 2-3 garlic cloves into small pieces. Mix them with a tablespoon of honey.
If you take this combination every day, you will feel more energized, healthy and it will boost your immune system extremely high extent within a WEEK


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