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World AIDS day Dec 1st 2016


Being diagnosed with HIV today means something very different than it did 20 or 30 years ago. HIV is no longer a death sentence. However, people’s attitudes can make living with HIV really hard. Some things from the 1980s and 1990s are worth revisiting, but HIV stigma isn’t one of them. It’s time to end HIV stigma.
The problems that the 'rest of the population' creates for me makes living with HIV difficult to the point where taking my medication, remaining unemployed and choosing friends carefully appears to be the only comfortable option.

- Gary
This World AIDS Day, help us put HIV stigma firmly in the past where it belongs, by joining our Not Retro, Just Wrong campaign.


Take a stand against HIV stigma on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram this World AIDS Day.
Share a funny or embarrassing picture of you (or your parents!) from the 80s or 90s, to show that although some retro styles have come back in to fashion some things should be left in the past, including HIV stigma. Or share one of our campaign posters, below. Remember to hashtag #HIVNotRetro


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